

Updated list of selected communications at conferences

(*) sollicited, (**) upcoming


[1] (*) Sarr, A-C., Indian Ocean Climate, (Paleo-)Circulation, and Model Integration. MagellanPlus Workshop “Indian Ocean: Devling into the Past”, Graz (Austria) 2022.


Oral Presentations (1st author)

[9] Sarr, A-C., Poulsen, C.J., Do, E.L. An isotope-enabled model perspective on Cenomanian-Turonian Sea Surface Temperatures. CESM-Paleoclimate Workshop, NCAR, Boulder (USA) 2024.

[8] (*) Sarr, A-C., Donnadieu,Y., Bolton, C. et al. Reconciling South Asian Monsoon Wind and Rainfall. EGU, Wien (Austria) 2022.

[7] Sarr, A-C., Laugié, M., Donnadieu, Y. et al. Orbital-scale deoxygenation trends driven by ventilation in Cretaceous ocean. EGU, Wien (Austria) 2022.

[6] Sarr, A-C., Donnadieu,Y., Bolton, C. et al. Développement asynchrone des pluies et des vents de mousson au Miocene. RST, Lyon (France) 2021.

[5] Sarr, A-C., Donnadieu,Y., Bolton, C. et al. A modeling study of physical and biogeochemical changes occurring in the tropical Indian Ocean during Miocene times. Chapman Conference on Monsoon, Washington (USA) 2020.

[4] Sarr, A-C., Sepulchre, P., Husson, L. Impact of Sunda shelf exposure on Southeast Asian atmospheric circulation and on Indonesian Throughflow. EGU, Wien (Austria) 2018.

[3] Sarr, A-C., Husson, L., Sepulchre, P. et al. Quantifying subsidence of the Sunda shelf (SE Asia) from coral reef morphology. EGU, Wien, (Austria) 2017.

[2] Sarr, A-C., Husson, L., Sepulchre, P. et al. Subsidence de la plateforme de la Sonde (Asie du Sud-Est) : contraintes apportées par la modélisation des récifs. RST, Caen (France) 2016.

[1] Sarr, A-C., Mugnier, J-L, Abrahami, R. et al. Sidewalls erosion at the surrounding of modern glacier in the Mont-Blanc Massif: insights from in-situ produced 10Be concentration in supraglacial sediments. Congrés ASF, Chambéry (France) 2015.



[5] Sarr, A-C., Donnadieu,Y., Bolton, C. et al. Topographic evolution is responsible for diverging South Asian Monsoon Rainfall and Wind Histories during the Neogene. Geological Society of London event on Asian Climate, Tectonics and Biodiversity, London (England) 2022.

[4] Sarr, A-C., Laugié, M., Donnadieu, Y. et al. Orbital-scale deoxygenation trends driven by ventilation in Cretaceous ocean. ICP14, Bergen (Norway) 2022.

[3] Sarr, A-C., Husson, L., Sepulchre, P. et al. Subsiding Sundaland. AGU, Washington (USA) 2018.

[2] Sarr, A-C., Husson, L., Sepulchre, P. et al. Dynamic foundering of the Sunda shelf during the Quaternary revealed by coral reef geomorphology: impact on the external spheres of the Earth. EGU, Wien (Austria) 2018.

[1] Sarr, A.-C, Maillet, M., Chassagnac, D., Laffay, M., Potel, S., Low-grade metamorphic study based on Àrkai Index and Kübler Index correlation in Markstein basin (Southern Vosges, NE France). 21ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau (France) 2014.